Word of Advice


So it hasn't been easy trying to keep up with trends and the fashion industry, although I consider myself a fashion diva. It's kind of harsh to pinpoint the many occasions where I couldn't find my size at a "normal" department store. But, I won't let that get to me! I have always been a thicker woman and I am proud of it, so if anyone has a problem with it then they can go see a psychiatrist.

So what if I don't fit in a size 10!

One thing I would like others to know about me is that I'm the one who's important if you have to stop and take a second look at me., than obviously you're the one with the problem.

I mean really- what do you gain in trying to make someone else feel bad?

I really hate that....

  • there isn't a section for larger women in EVERY department store. I thought that there was a high percentage of Americans who are above a size 10. So why can't we have a section in every store
  • any store that ONLY sells plus size clothing is considered a specialty store
  • people stare at me when I eat. Hello I get hungry just like everyone else so quit watching me!
  • I'm always asked about my weight by family members. For example, when I see someone who I haven't seen in a while they always ask "Oh, did you lose weight?" Um..NO!

  •  I can't walk into Victoria's Secret and find anything bigger than XL. But don't worry if you have big boobs you can probably find a bra that fits. I guess that's Victoria's Secret that he/she doesn't like big girls.
  • I have to be categorized as a big girl or a thicker girl. Can't I just be a girl I mean I have the same reproductive organs that every other female does, but, that doesn't count because I don't fit the media mold.
  • When I was a teenager, I always felt an enormous amount of pressure to fit a certain size and I always had low self esteem, not because I didn't like the way I looked, but the fact that my friends always admired celebrities who were small framed and aspired to look like them. Well, my role model was "La India" so I did aspire to look like her.
  • Women are worse than men when it comes to criticizing another woman's body. I always hear women saying "she shouldn't wear that outfit" or "look at that muffin top." Get over it!  If you don't want to look then don't
  • None of my friends can name at least two full figured super models, but give them three minutes and they'll give you a list of 20 Victoria's Secret models.

I'm Over It!

My experience with weight loss has been simple: I can never lose enough weight. Ever since I was an infant, I've been chubby and it was never a problem until I hit my teenage years and entered Junior High School. Kids can be VERY CRUEL!  I mean I'm 34 years old and I consider myself pretty confident, but I hate when people try to put me down because of weight. I mean if I don't mention it, then that means I don't want to talk about it!

About a year ago I had the gastric  band procedure done and successfully lost 75lbs. All of a sudden people wanted to be supportive and felt obligated to 'help' me get into shape and lose the remaining 75lbs I NEEDED to lose in order to be a size 10. Unfortunately, six months after the procedure I developed an infection and was on bed rest for two months. During this time, my doctor had to remove the band and I ended up gaining ALL the weight back and an additional 4-5lbs.

Now I'm back to my size 18 and I've given up on trying to lose weight. What's the point? Technically, I'm 50 lbs overweight, yet, my doctor recommended that I lose more than 50 lbs. What for? I like my body the way it is and apparently so do men because I was married for 10 years and he never had an issue with my weight. I'm fed up with the media accusing us of being unhealthy and not eating properly because we don't look like JLo or Angeline Jolie.

I pity the fool!

I don't disclose my weight to anyone unless you're buying clothing for me. 

I'm sort of going to be a devil's advocate and say that because of media I have learned to love myself now more than ever. I say this because I finally noticed that media does influence the way we view the world, however, when you have people who support you and always make sure you're on the right path, it's difficult to fall into the media trap. As they say "para los gustos se hicieron los colores" meaning colors were made to satify different tastes.

Fine with me if you don't like 'curvy' women- a term the media has coined to identify us thick girls. But what are skinny women then- not curvy? If that's true than I would rather be curvy than non-curvy.

I'm tired of running against the tides. If all women supported each other we could change media significantly and maybe learn to classify women on the basis of brains not beauty.

Till then...I pity the fool who tries to make this lady feel shitty about herself. You gotta be a ten on the beauty scale in order to make me doubt myself.

Media's Influence

thinMy favorite TV show of all time was Friends and then it was canceled. Now my favorite new TV show is Grey's Anatomy, that's until the next show comes along.

Guess what I noticed? None of these shows feature a main character whose thicker or above average. Well, actually Grey's Anatomy does have a character that's thick but she's evil and is always bitching about something. I guess that leaves a lot to say about 'fat' chicks. Big girls are always bitter and angry? Another thing I noticed was that she is a minority. I can't recall any female characters that were Caucasian and 'overweight'. 

Another favorite of mine is America's Next Top Model because I find it amusing to see how women degrade themselves in order to do something they believe their meant to do.  In this show, they have a limited amount of plus size models. Apparently, plus size models don't belong on the runway, they belong in catalogs for plus size women. It's ironic because Tyra Banks is a full figured model and she
doesn't include a larger percentage of thicker women in the show.